Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peacham, Vermont.

Not visible in the photograph is the snow on top of Mt. Washington and other parts of the Presidential Range. Peacham is, purportedly, the most photographed town in Vermont.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Just beyond the park's gates..tourists, picnics, cameras, kids, runners and life going on. As usual.

Luxembourg Gardens.
Paris, France September 2008

Sometimes it feels like you are the only one in the world navigating a complex relationship but we are all in good company. Trouble, even in Parisian paradise.

South entrance to Luxembourg Gardens.
You have to wonder what this generation remembers; what the city of Paris was like only half a lifetime ago. Still, there is tolerance, survival and renaissance. This woman was finding a moment in the Luxembourg Gardens to come to terms with the day. Maybe more.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Warm and green

Four distinct seasons always present themselves so dramatically. And while some don't seem to last long enough, we are always happy to see what's next. (Yes, even winter..) Spring is winning here and the colors are unrelenting. As is the gratitude for such surroundings.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Retreating Snow, Advancing Spring

The temperature variations in Vermont bring complex landscapes that change by the minute.  The snow melts and exposes the ground that his been hidden since December, leaving fog and mud.  And more mud.  (The fifth season.)  But, the geese are passing through, robins are finding good feeding and, it appears, springs is starting to win.